Guide for authors

When writing conference paper

  • Please write your paper in English.
  • 2-4 A4 pages.
  • The title (and the subtitle) should be less than 75 characters.
  • Please download and use the following samples.
    PDF sample file:
    ≫ sample_IS.pdf
    LaTeX2e sample file:
    ≫ sample2e_IS.tex ≫ rsj2008e.sty
    Word2003 sample file:
    ≫ sample_IS.doc
  • In an A4 page (297mm x 210mm), please leave upper margin 20mm, bottom margin 27mm, right and left margin 20mm. This will give a space of 250mm x 170mm for your document. Please use 10pt font for the text. The following will be the structure:
    1. Title (~18pt, bold)
    2. Authors name (put an * on the presenter) and affiliation (~12pt, roman)
    3. Abstract (~9pt, ~100 words)
    4. Keywords (~9pt)
    5. Main part (~10pt)
    6. References (9pt)
  • Title, Authors name, Abstract: Please arrange in a single column. Other parts: please arrange in two columns.
  • References: please use numeric reference such as [1], and include a list of references at the last part of the document. Please follow the format of the Robotics Society of Japan.
    Journal Articles:
    [number] author name: "title", journal name, volume, issue,, year.
    [number] author name: title, publisher, year.

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When creating a PDF file

The PDF file you submit will be included as-is in the conference DVD-ROM. In order to minimize revisions, re-formatting etc., please double-check the printing quality, security setting and formatting of your files before submission. Please contact us before submission for any inquiries.

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When writing abstracts

  • Please write 100 words of abstract.
  • The abstract will be printed in the Conference Digest.
  • Please write your abstract as plain text. Copying and pasting from word processing software may cause errors at the time of online submission.

Note for special characters

  • Please do not use Roman numerals and/or any special characters.
  • Please spell-out any Greek characters.

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When creating image files of abstracts

  • Please include a figure that represents your abstract.
    ≫ Image sample(GIF format)
  • The file size should be less than 500KB.
  • The proportion should be 5(horizontal):3(vertical). If you include letters in the figure, the printed size should be greater than 10pt.
  • GIF or JPEG formats will be accepted. Please create your figures in grayscale (the abstracts will be printed in B/W).
  • Please keep in mind that the abstract will be small in size and the printing quality will be limited (100~200 dpi).
  • Again, please make sure that your figure proportion is 5:3.

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